Author: merritt k

  • MindMaze Was the Original Wikipedia Rabbit Hole

    MindMaze Was the Original Wikipedia Rabbit Hole

    During the mid-90s, there was a curious period of time during which home computers were becoming more and more common, but the internet was still in the early stages of mass adoption. More school-age kids had computers in their home than ever, and we were using them to write up papers and do research. But…

  • Throwback Thursday: Hello Kitty Big Fun Deluxe

    Throwback Thursday: Hello Kitty Big Fun Deluxe

    In the early 90s, my family purchased our first home computer. My sister and I had played around with our dad’s work computer before, finding way too much amusement in generating pie charts on DOS software. But the home computer was different — it was a “multimedia machine,” a popular term at the time to…

  • Please, Do Not Draw This Turtle

    Please, Do Not Draw This Turtle

    “Do you like to draw? Or paint? Or maybe just sketch and doodle?”  I must have heard this line a hundred times as a kid, whiling away my summer Saturday afternoons watching old movies on TV. It was delivered by a pleasant-looking man with gray hair in a suit hawking a “free art test” over…

  • I Covered My Entire Body in Gamer Goo

    I Covered My Entire Body in Gamer Goo

    This piece was originally published at Fanbyte in May 2019. I remember exactly where I was when I first heard about Gamer Goo. I was at home, tweeting about Gamer Goo. The jokes soon dried up like so much Goo in a Gamer’s hand. But unbeknownst to me, Gamer Goo quietly persisted, partnering with big names…

  • The One Who Returned

    The One Who Returned

    When I was just thirteen years old I discovered the terrible injustice at the center of my community. On that day I could no longer enjoy the tranquil fields or pleasant weather of the place of my birth. I walked through the beautiful gates with nothing but the following: BackpackCloth clothing (no armor protection)Length of…

  • Scramp


    After they legalized all drugs in the United States, a handful of men became very, very rich. Nobody really inquired as to whether they’d been able to corner the market as a result of a head start they’d had running the illicit market, and the remnants of the federal government had essentially abdicated governing to…

  • The Line

    The Line

    The Holy Vessel of the Security Forces of The Line, christened Inevitably Successful in All Circumstances, cut through space and time, arriving in the Real just outside orbit of agri-world 3B-L02. The world’s planetary overseers had complained for months of pirates intercepting shipments of foodstuffs as they were being prepared for shipment from the orbital…

  • Raymond’s Women

    Raymond’s Women

    Raymond was dead. There was no mistaking it — his frail form laid motionless atop his bed in the dark, a hardcover book spine up across his chest. As she waited motionless on the couch in the dim lamplight, Lisa wondered if she’d ever be able to get the image out of her head. She’d…

  • The Dragon

    The Dragon

    I remember how excited I was for the launch of Reverie Moon Online. My friends and I had read about it in magazines for months, talked about it after school while trading Pokemon cards. It was like nothing I’d ever seen before — a 3D roleplaying game that let players cooperate with strangers around the…

  • Yet More Press for LAN Party

    Yet More Press for LAN Party

    032c covered LAN Party last year and I forgot to mention it until now. Same with this interview I did with the eidolon journal. My bad! More recently, I spoke to Steffi Cao for CNN Style about the book and the culture and aesthetics of the Y2K era. Don’t have a copy of LAN Party…